Monday, March 9, 2009

Planting Seeds

We finally got around to planting some seeds (about 3 weeks later than I wanted to), but I don't think we'll be getting any more surprise snow... so I think it may be good that we waited. :)

I had some Lowe's returns to do for Jeff one day and I spent the return money on three ecofriendly seed starting kits. Basically, unwrap the package, add water and seeds, put on the germination cover and wait. Easy peasy for first timers like us!

We didn't do heirloom or organic seeds this year. I just want to take this to be a learning experience and if we end up with a harvest that'll just be icing on the cake!

Will even got some handwriting practice! :)

So far we have only used two of the kits. We'll plant the third one later to stagger the planting and *hopefully* the harvesting. From left to right we have: 2 rows of green beans, 1 row of limas, 2 rows of cucumbers, 1 row of cantelope, 1 row spinach, 1 row onion, 1 row dill, and 1 row green pepper.

And now we wait...