Saturday, August 9, 2008

Growing Green Thumbs

Jeff and I have decided to plant a garden in the spring of 2009. Join us on our journey as we learn about composting, planting, vegetables, bugs, and whatever else comes our way!

Here is some background information on our gardening skills:

I grew up in the suburbs living in 8 different states. The earliest gardening experience I remember was pulling weeds in our flower gardens in Texas around the age of 8. Other than that, I don't remember dealing with any type of seed, flower, or dirt. Our vegetables came from a can or the grocery store (not that that is bad, that's just the way it was). We ate well and we ate *mostly* healthily.

It wasn't until Jeff and I married that I really found a love for planting flowers. I had a small flower garden in middle Georgia where I planted seeds, bulbs, grown plants, annuals, perennials, anything I found to be pretty. However, we had many water restrictions given by the city during this time and with my concern for conserving water, many of my plants died. I love to plant them, but am not so great at taking care of them. :( Same goes for indoor plants... I am currently down to two but have killed at least 10.

Hopefully we'll have better luck with vegetables! My oldest son, Will (5), and I successfully grew about a dozen small carrots this year. We grew them more as an experiment in container gardening and for something fun to do, but they grew and we ate 'em! :)

To wrap up my gardening experience: I'm a work in progress starting at square 1. :)


(I'll let Jeff update later, but here's what I know...)

Jeff grew up on a farm. They raised chickens and cows. They have land for growing hay. His grandparents have a nice sized vegetable garden that produces corn, peas, watermelon, squash, okra, tomatoes, and others each year (and still). I'm sure most of the vegetables they ate were home grown and home canned. However, I don't think Jeff did much of the planting, harvesting, or canning. I believe most of his efforts on the farm was more along the lines of tending to the cows, fixing fences, and other "manly" things. :)

In the end, I think we're both starting at square 1 with no green in our thumbs.

What shade of green are yours?